
Showing posts from March, 2021

Powdery mildew of the sage

  Powdery mildew or white sickness is a cryptogamic disease, that is of fungal origin, which can affect sage plants and occurs on the leaves. This is the most frequent pathology among those that can affect this aromatic herb and occurs in particular with mild temperatures and high humidity. It is a very simple disease to identify: because the white patches that are seen on the leaves of the sage are very characteristic. A reader of Orto Da Coltivare, Barbara, asks me exactly what her plant can have, describing the symptoms of powdery mildew. I answer publicly because I think it may be useful for many to know how to defend themselves from this problem with natural methods and above all how to prevent it. Recognizing powdery mildew on sage Those who cultivate the vegetable garden will already know powdery mildew because it is a frequent pathology also on other cultivated plants, in particular on pumpkin and courgette. Powdery mildew is also called white sickness precisely because it work

Cod in green sauce: the recipe with capers and anchovies

Cod in green sauce is a second tasty and nutritious fish. A perfect recipe to add flavour to the delicacy of cod and prepare a fast and alternative dinner without sacrificing taste and lightness. The green salsa is a typical recipe of the Piedmontese tradition, used to flavour boils of meat or fish. In this preparation, the cod is cooked in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and accompanied by a fresh seasonal salad, follow the step by step recipe and you won’t regret it! Ready in: 20min For 4 people Calories in the recipe: Ingredients For the green sauce Chopped parsley enough • 79 kcal EVO OIL 30G Drawn anchovies 4 Capers 1 teaspoon • 25 kcal Mayonnaise 1 spoon • 690 kcal Lemon juice enough • 29 kcal Garlic 1 clove • 79 kcal Cod fillets 4 Oil enough Salt as enough • 0 kcal Pepper enough • 79 kcal Calories refer to 100 grams of the product How to prepare white cod in green sauce Add the chopped parsley (1), the chopped anchovies (2), the oil, the lemon juice, a tablespoon

The Cedar (citron lime) of Santa Maria del Cedro

The Cedar (citron lime), An ancient fruit from the many properties quoted seventy-two times in the Bible described as that of the most beautiful tree and as the forbidden homemade of the garden of Eden. According to Jewish tradition, it was indicated by God to Moses in the Torah. Today along with the Calabra coastal strip note as a Cedar Riviera, the most valuable variety in the world of this citrus is cultivated: the smooth diamond. Etz Hadar, the fruit of the most beautiful tree, died: this is how God, during the exodus of the Jewish people to the promised land, indicated Moses citron lime as one of the four plants to be used for Sukkoth, the feast of the hut, together with a palm branch, two of willow and three of myrtle. “According to Jewish orthodoxy, it was precisely the fruit so beautiful and seductive, and not the apple, that caused the disobedience of Adam and Eve and their descendants from the garden of Eden, as historical sources testify. The Greek term Mêlon, in fact, does

Bergamot, the yellow-green gold of Calabria: features and uses

A fruit from mysterious origins has become an important economic source of the Calabrian economy. This is the bergamot, citrus cultivated in Reggio Calabria, famous in the world for its essential oils. From the kitchen to cosmetics passing through medicine, there are many uses of its intense and fragrant essence. How much mystery can be behind citrus? Understanding the origins of Reggio Calabria bergamot means taking a trip over time and around the world. There are those who talk about China, Greece, Spain. There are those who claim that it brought him Cristoforo Columbus from the Canary Islands or coming from Turkey and the Turkish name Beg Armudi, pear of the Lord. In reality, the most accredited hypothesis is that bergamot derives from a spontaneous mutation of bitter orange or lime, which took place in the surroundings of Reggio Calabria at the end of the seventeenth century. From here it has no more moved: in fact, the world production of this fruit is practically concentrated in


Wholemeal focaccia quick and easy recipe. Rustic, very tasty, fragrant and perfect to be stuffed in a thousand different ways: here is the Integral Focaccia, a variant of the classic focaccia very simple to make at home using a few easily available ingredients. My recipe involves a few steps and very few tools: a couple of bowls, our hands and… the oven! It doesn’t get any easier than this! For the success of the wholemeal focaccia, as well as of course good wholemeal flour, yeast is fundamental: I chose the Brewer’s Yeast, ideal for the preparation of savoury leavened products such as focaccia, pizzas and bread; it allows the dough to arise naturally out of the oven, and the result at the end of cooking is high, soft and well-alveolate focaccia. Before baking, I seasoned my wholemeal focaccia by sprinkling a few grains of coarse salt and fresh rosemary on the surface, which we can also replace with oregano or some other aromatic herb to our liking. This fantastic “rustic” focaccia is


Parsley Potatoes are a tasty and light side dish, perfect to accompany meat and fish dishes. This is perhaps the most loved and known potato salad. I’m sure you have eaten them at least once on Sunday lunches at grandma’s house! The ingredients needed are few and simple. Just some boiled potatoes, oil, vinegar and lots of parsley and here is a truly delicious dish served on the table! Today I will give you all my tips for perfect parsley potatoes. The fundamental trick for the success of the recipe is to use very cold potatoes. Indeed, when we use boiled potatoes while still hot the result is a real disaster; the cubes tend to fall apart and in the end, more than a salad, we get almost a puree! Using cold potatoes, on the other hand, gives the final result “firm” and full-bodied cubes! Another fundamental aspect is parsley; in this recipe, it must be abundant (after all these potatoes are called parsley!) and chopped very finely! How do I mince parsley? Using the crescent, this way the

Fresh broad bean salad: the recipe for a fresh and appetizing spring side dish

The fresh broad bean salad is inviting and easy to make a side dish, perfect for spring when the beans are in season. A delicate and fresh recipe, ideal to accompany fish dishes, but also to eat as a single dish. To make the salad, you can use raw broad beans, or blanch them for a few minutes: if you have the patience to remove the outer wrapping from the larger seeds, you will get an elegant and pleasant dish, all inspired by tradition. Ready in: 40MIN FOR 4 PEOPLE Calorie in broad bean salad recipe: 2190 kcal INGREDIENTS FRESH BEANS WITH THE POD 1 kg PECORINO 100 gr • 332 kcal SALAMI 100 gr • 359 kcal BREAD GUTTIAU 8 semi-circles EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL 4 tablespoons • 29 kcal PARSLEY as required • 21 kcal SALT as required • 286 kcal PEPPER as required • 79 kcal The calories refer to 100 grams of the product How to prepare the broad bean salad Shell the fresh broad beans, removing the legumes from the pod (1). Blanch the beans in boiling water for 7-8 minutes (2). Arming yourself with

Artichokes and peas: the recipe for the simple and tasty spring side dish

Artichokes and peas are a simple and tasty spring side dish, ideal to accompany meat and fish main courses. In our recipe we have prepared artichokes and peas in a pan with chopped onion, chilli, parsley and white wine, cooking with hot water, so as to create a soft and tasty side dish to be served warm or at room temperature. You can also use the preparation to season a good plate of pasta if you prefer. Here are the steps to make some really delicious pan-fried artichokes and peas. Ready in: 30MIN FOR 4 PEOPLE Calories in the recipe: 570 kcal INGREDIENTS WHOLE ARTICHOKES 10 SHELLED PEAS 400 gr WHITE ONION 1 • 661 kcal CHILLI 1 • 29 kcal PARSLEY as required • 21 kcal SALT UP as required • 21 kcal GROUND BLACK PEPPER as required EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL as needed • 901 kcal The calories refer to 100 grams of product How to prepare artichokes and peas in a pan Clean the artichokes: remove the hardest outer leaves (1) and the stems, obtaining only the heart of the artichokes. Cut them into


Margherita cake. Easy recipe. In this recipe, we will see together with my version of the Margherita Cake, a classic dessert among the best known and loved. An ancient cake, which reminds me as certainly many of you of childhood and our grandmothers, who usually prepared it on holidays, perfuming the whole house with its aroma. This delicious cake, which probably owes its name to the yellow-coloured dough and the pure white of the icing sugar that covers it (the two colours of the daisy) takes little time to prepare and is also quite simple to make, just pay a little attention while we prepare the dough. My recipe is without butter and without flour: we will only use eggs, sugar, potato starch, baking powder and Vanillina (plus the grated rind of a lemon which will give its unmistakable aroma). Both the starch and the baking powder will help to make our dough delicate, porous, soft and light, which is the main feature of a daisy cake with flakes! Once out of the oven, we will decorate

Fava bean omelette: the recipe for a simple and tasty spring dish

The fava bean omelette is a simple and tasty main course in spring, to be prepared also as a single dish for a quick and exquisite dinner or to be cut into squares for an aperitif or a buffet. To make it you will only need fresh broad beans (fava beans), eggs, onion and grated parmesan: the beans will be cooked in a pan with extra virgin olive oil, chopped onion and herbs, before adding them to the beaten eggs. You can then cook the fava bean omelette in a pan or in the oven, as in our preparation, it will still be very good: here’s how to prepare it. Ready in: 30MIN FOR 4 PEOPLE Calories in the recipe: 1850 kcal INGREDIENTS FRESH SHELLED FAVA BEANS 400 gr EGGS 6 • 380 kcal GRATED PARMESAN 30 gr • 21 kcal WHITE ONION 1/2 • 661 kcal EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL as needed • 901 kcal SALT UP as required • 21 kcal GROUND BLACK PEPPER as required The calories refer to 100 grams of product How to prepare the fava bean omelette Peel the beans (1) and also remove the outer peel. Finely chop the onio

Sea bream with fennel

Sea bream with fennel, already cleaned sea bream facilitate the preparation of whole fish. Stuffed with fennel marinated in lemon, sea bream is baked on the baking tray. Ingredients Main course For 4 people 1 fennel of approx. 300 g 2 lemons 1.2 l of olive oil, eg. Monini Limone salt pepper 4 sea bream of approx. 500 g, already cleaned How to proceed Sea bream with fennel Preparation: approx. 15 minutes Cooking: approx. 30 minutes Total time: 45 min Halve the fennel, remove the core and set aside the green tufts. Slice the fennel into thin strips with the vegetable slicer. Squeeze half of the lemons. Cut the remaining lemons into thin slices. Mix the fennel with lemon juice and half of the oil. Season with salt and pepper. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Rinse the sea bream under cold water and dab them with kitchen paper. Season well with salt and pepper. Stuff the ventral cavities with the marinated fennel and lemon slices. Sprinkle the sea bream with the remaining oil and arrange them

Risotto with zucchini

Risotto with zucchini, a vegetarian-flavoured dish to fill up on aroma: this risotto is enriched with white wine, vegetable broth, pine nuts and courgette tongues. Ingredients Main course For 4 people 1 onion 1 clove of garlic 350 g of zucchini 3 tablespoons of olive oil 300 g of risotto rice 1 litre of white wine 8 l of vegetable broth 3 tablespoons of pine nuts 50 g of Parmesan in one piece 2 tablespoons of butter salt pepper How to proceed with risotto with zucchini Preparation: approx. 30 minutes Finely chop the onion. Mash the garlic. Cut half of the courgettes with a potato peeler into thin tongues, divide the remaining courgettes lengthwise into six pieces and then cut them into thin slices. Heat a little oil in a pan. Sauté the onion and garlic briefly. Add the rice and toast it briefly. Deglaze with the wine, then add the broth little by little. Cook the rice for approx. 20 minutes, until it is nice and creamy but still al dente. Halfway through cooking, add the sliced ​​courg

Salmon and barley salad: the recipe for the first summer dish to be enjoyed on the beach

The salmon and barley salad is an ideal first course for a fresh and tasty summer lunch, excellent to be consumed on the beach. A light and genuine dish made with pearl barley and fresh salmon, enriched with baby spinach, avocado and celery, which give the dish an appetizing and aromatic flavour, which will satisfy your appetite on hot summer days. Here’s how to prepare it in a few simple steps. Ready in: 40 minutes FOR 4 PEOPLE Calories in the recipe: 1830 kcal INGREDIENTS PEARL BARLEY 250 gr SALMON 300 gr in slices • 170 kcal SPINACINI 30 gr CELERY 1 costs • 21 kcal AVOCADO 1 • 231 kcal EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL as required • 29 kcal SEA SALT as required • 286 kcal BLACK PEPPER as required • 79 kcal The calories refer to 100 grams of the product How to make barley and salmon salad Rinse the barley and cook it in boiling salted water for about 20 minutes: follow the cooking instructions on the package. As soon as the barley is ready, drain it and let it cool to room temperature. Now add