Powdery mildew of the sage

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Brioche with Tuppo is a typical Sicilian pastry recipe, ideal to accompany a good cup of ice cream or granita. The ingredients to make them are the classics of all brioche doughs: just flour, milk, eggs, yeast and in a few gestures you will make soft brioches like a cloud! What characterizes the Sicilian brioches, however, are the flavourings; today I used orange and lemon zest, honey and an ampoule of almond aroma. The result is very fragrant brioches with a delicious taste!
Another typical ingredient of brioche with tuppo is saffron; in addition to giving its delicate aroma, saffron will make the dough a beautiful intense yellow colour, typical of Sicilian brioches! These brioches are perfect to accompany ice cream or granita; usually in Sicilian bars, large cups of granita are served with the brioche next to them with the tuppo still hot … a real treat! Write to me in the comments if you try them and what you think, but I am sure that those who taste them will go crazy!
Preparation time: 30 min
Cooking time: 15 min
Ready in: 45 mins
1 Brioche with Tuppo-Calories 250
250 g 00 flour
250 g Manitoba flour
210 ml of milk
4 yolks
80 g sugar
60 g lard (or 70 g of butter)
dehydrated brewer’s yeast (7 g)
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon honey
Grated zest of 1 lemon
Grated zest of 1 orange
1 almond aroma vial
1 sachet of saffron (0.125 g)
yolk and milk in equal weight (for brushing)
In today’s recipe, I will use the mixer, but the dough can be easily made by hand following the same sequence of steps … you only need a little elbow grease! Put the two flours, egg yolks, sugar, yeast, honey, salt and all the flavourings in the mixer bowl, then the orange and lemon zest, the almond aroma vial and the saffron. Assemble the hook of the mixer and work all the ingredients by gradually pouring all the milk specified in the recipe. Incorporated the milk, knead the dough for at least 10 minutes.
Once you have a well-strung dough, begin to incorporate the lard at room temperature little by little; when the first nut of lard is well incorporated, put another one until all is finished. This operation will require at least another ten minutes of working with the mixer. In the end, you have to get a very soft and smooth dough.
Transfer the dough just made into a bowl (I recommend you handle it with slightly greasy hands), cover with plastic wrap and let it rise for 2 hours or at least until its volume is doubled.
Here is the dough after leavening! Pour it directly onto the pastry board to make the shapes; if you have worked the dough for a long time there will be no need to sprinkle flour on the pastry board!
Divide the dough into 12 portions of 65 g each; to do this I advise you to help yourself with a scale. At this point the dough will be leftover; it is absolutely normal … we will need it to form “tuppo”! Give each portion of the dough a spherical shape; work each portion with the palms of your hands on the cutting board, until you obtain regular and smooth croissants.
Place the croissants on a baking tray well spaced apart. Take the advanced dough and divide it into 12 portions of 15 grams each. Work each portion forming a slightly “elongated” ball … you have just created the brioche cup! Mash each brioche in the centre with your thumb until you feel the bottom of the pan, then position the tuppo, always welding it to the brioche with the pressure of your thumb. Form the brioches, let them rise for another hour until they double in volume. If during the leavening the tuppo “detaches”, do not hesitate to reposition it by pressing with your finger.
After the second leavening time, brush the brioche with yolk and milk mixed in equal weight. Bake them in a static preheated oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes, until golden brown.
Here is the brioche with tuppo served on tables; they are perfect to accompany a cup of ice cream or granita … but they are also delicious eaten in simplicity! When they are cold, put them tightly closed in a food bag and they will keep for a couple of days. Those who prefer can also freeze them.
Read also Mushroom Omelette Recipe / FAKE FISH RECIPE.
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